Questions for The Conjuror’s Apprentice
The Conjuror’s Apprentice Book Cover
The relationship between John Dee and Margaretta is many-layered. What binds them as master and apprentice?
Why would Margaretta fear people knowing her strange gifts in Maryan society?
What really drives John Dee?
Today neurodiversity is recognised and the gifts of autistic people appreciated. What challenges would Margaretta have faced in caring for her brother Huw?
What leads Mam to be so negative and why punish only one child?
Were the plot and intrigues of Mary’s court any different to modern government?
What was the impact of Mary Tudor’s persecution of protestants and how would people feel?
How does Sam change Margaretta?
What is the psychology of Goodwife Barker? Can you sympathise with her?
We only learn of Elizabeth through snippets in conversation and through the eyes of others. What kind of young woman was she?